Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday 1/31

I never know what to write about on these blogs, so what I write about are the things going on in my life. As you all know I have been in the process of moving out to my first apartment on my own. Today, happened to be the first sunday I woke up and I did not smell breakfast being made from my bedroom. I guess it is the little things that hit you in the weirdest way. This morning I realized if I wanted french toast I had to get out of bed and make it. It is a very liberating feeling to be out on my own and at the same time a lot more work and headaches.
This evening i went to my parents house with my boyfriend for dinner and it was weird saying "ok mom I'm going home now." Two days ago that was where I called home and now it is not. Change is a good thing it is just hard to adjust right away. I'm sure after a little bit of time things will just seem "normal" as I had a "normal" at my parents house.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Moving out

This past weekend I made the last and final step by moving all of my furniture out of the house I grew up in and into my first apartment. I was very nervous yet excited about the situation. The feeling of knowing I will be alone at night without my dad upstairs kind of freaks me out. I know this is all a normal part of growing up and I know this will better my life in so many ways. The move would have not been at all possible without my boyfriend and the help of his friend. That also helped me get through the move knowing that he will always be there for me is a very comforting feeling.

Monday, January 25, 2010


I really don't like mondays' in general. They are a start to a very long week. The weekend is always way too short, most likely because I work every saturday and I feel that everybody deserves a two day weekend or it's just not enough. This monday especially was back to the grind because it was my first day back from break to my nursing classes. As soon as I walked into that classroom at 9am this morning it felt like I had never left. All the talk about papers, tests, homework, and what is expected of us. How come us students don't have a syllabus for our professors and what is expected of them? By this I mean like teaching clearly, not to fast, and how about decrease some of that crazy pressure they put on all of us on the first day.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

day 1

Yesterday, my boyfriend and I started to clean and paint my first apartment. The whole process is very exciting yet scary to me. I have always wanted to move out of my house for a multitude of reasons but mainly for the independence and being able to say; "I've done this on my own." Now that I have finally made the decision to move out and have followed through with it I am a nervous reck. Starting to clean and paint the place has finally made the whole situation feel real and now I must follow through with my decision because the foundation has been poured sort of speak.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


My new apartment is filthy,
Fantastic, 409, Shout, Bleach, Windex, Paper towels
On the road to clean.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


There are many different things on my mind at this point in time and at this time of the day. I have so many things to do when I get out of this class and those things are taking over all my thoughts it is like a major to do list in my head. Everyday is filled with so many things to accomplish and so many times there just isn't enough time in the day to finish everything on one's list. I am a very organized person whom usually sets a game plan for the day the night before. This helps to keep certain things in check for me.