Sunday, January 24, 2010

day 1

Yesterday, my boyfriend and I started to clean and paint my first apartment. The whole process is very exciting yet scary to me. I have always wanted to move out of my house for a multitude of reasons but mainly for the independence and being able to say; "I've done this on my own." Now that I have finally made the decision to move out and have followed through with it I am a nervous reck. Starting to clean and paint the place has finally made the whole situation feel real and now I must follow through with my decision because the foundation has been poured sort of speak.

1 comment:

  1. Hi my name is Ashley. I am Mike's work study student and I actually took this exact class last semester so I know the ropes. I'll be commenting on your stuff from time to time just to give you some feed back. If you have any questions you can email me or stop by the Philosophy house.

    Goodluck! Keep up with the blogging you're off to a great start =)
