Sunday, February 28, 2010

I remember...

Things remembered:

I remember the day my sister was born.

I remember playing hockey in the middle of the street with my brother.

I remember Roy Rogers on sunday mornings with my father.

I remember kickball in the schoolyard and recess.

I remember being a crazy, fast runner.

I remember not worrying all the time.

I remember not being allowed to walk around the block.

I remember my mom always being there to pick me up from school.

I remember worrying about what other people thought of me in high school.

I remember having my first cigarette.

I remember how hard and how worth quitting smoking was.

I remember the first time I thought I fell in love.

I remember Mr. Panse my 3rd grade teacher.

I remember wearing courdoroys.

I remember how not fun high school was.

I remember getting my first job.

I remember the swings at rath park.

I remember the smell of the hot dogs and peanuts walking through the city around christmas time.

I remember the first time I met my boyfriend.

I remember the moment I fell in love with him.

I remember the first time I decided to live life to the fullest and just worry about making myself happy for once.

I remember the look on my parents faces the day I moved out.

I remember the look on my face the day I moved out. : )

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Stepping Stones

A stepping stone in my opinion is just another saying for dramatic life events that we all experience in our own way. I would say the stepping stones in my life would be:

Number one I would say was the birth of my little sister, I was six years old and not the only little girl in my household anymore as well as became the middle child. I, in no way believe in the middle child syndrome either. : )

Secondly the next landmark I remember was breaking my collarbone in fourth grade or should I say my brother breaking my collarbone. We were both playing outside him on his bicycle and me on my rollerblades. I was not allowed in the street at this time but he was, my brother being the "cool guy" that he was decided to jump on the sidewalk with his bicycle and in turn took me down to the ground. We collided and next thing I knew I was in a brace for 8 weeks.

The next stepping stone I would say was my first job. I was twelve years old and started working at a bakery. I always wanted to work to have my own money and the real reason why I started working was to get a cell phone. Back then it was not common for all kids to have a cell phone but I had to have one and my parents said if you want that you will have to go and work for it. Ever since then which is 11 years now, I've been working.

August 31, 2005- I got my first tattoo on my eighteenth birthday. This was always something I wanted to do and as soon as I turned eighteen my father took my to get my first tattoo. I had it drawn up to my taste so I would have no regrets.

Years later, the next stepping stone in my life was my brother moving out of my parents house and getting married. He was only twenty-three and had an established life. He bought a house, got married, and left. It was a change not having my brother around, we were always very close and when he left it changed me in ways indirectly. I felt as if the fun I used to have at home doing everyday things such as family dinner and laughs were gone.

September 2008, I started Molloy College to finish my schooling by getting accepted into the nursing program. This was a big accomplishment for me, to get into this program. When I had first exited high school I did not really know what I wanted to do so one could say I wasn't that serious about college. Than when I realized that nursing was what I wanted to do, I worked my butt off to get into a nursing program and when I did I felt proud of my accomplishment.

February 2010, my latest and scariest stepping stone was moving out. I finally decided to leave the nest and move out of my parents house, on my own into the big, bad world. I still feel the guilt of leaving and hurting my parents because they feel that a girl should not leave the house until she is married. But they have to realize that this is 2010 and things are not like that anymore!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

I really hate...

I really hate fish. The smell and the one eye-ball staring up at you in the market is disgusting. I don't know how anyone could eat something that comes out of the ocean like that. The thought of knowing what has been around that fish in those seas grosses me out completely. I am pretty sure that dead bodies have been floating around throughout those waters with those same fish that someone is cooking for dinner. How gross is that? As for sushi, that is a whole other level of grossness as well. Now were taking that same disgusting fish and not even cooking it but eating it raw. Who came up with this? ughh

Saturday, February 20, 2010

I really love...

I really love cheeseburgers. All year round, 365 days out of the year I could eat a cheeseburger. They have been my favorite food since I was a young child. I always hated breakfast food so on the weekends when going out for breakfast with my family I always was the odd man out and ordered a cheeseburger for breakfast. And when I have a cheeseburger I like them with ketchup, barbeque sauce, pickles, onions, lettuce, the works. It is like a melody in my mouth. What is sad is that I gave up eating my favorite food, what I really love, because of a diet. It has been about 60 or more days since I have had a cheeseburger but tonight I think I might have to splurge and have a cheeseburger out with my boyfriend.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Taking a stand

I feel very strongly about animal abuse. The thought of someone hurting there pet makes me feel very angry and sick to my stomach. I don't understand who could be so cruel as to beat of hurt something so much smaller than them, probable not even a tenth of the size of them. Pets are loving creatures that are sweet and would not inflict harm usually unless they are provoked. Animal abuse offenders should have to be punished the same way as hurting a human being. Maybe there punishment should be even longer because you have to be a really sick person to want to hurt an animal!

Monday, February 15, 2010

the Pivot questionnaire

What is your favorite word?
-My favorite word is cranky because it always can put a smile on my face. Whenever someone says the word cranky I light up like a christmas tree.

What is your least favorite word?
-My least favorite word is disappointed because it is a bad feeling when someone is mad at you but disappointed brings feelings to a whole other level for me.

What turns you on creatively, spiritually, or emotionally?

-Emotionally what turns me on is my family and boyfriend. They all know what buttons to push to get to me or how to put me in a great mood.

What turns you off?

-Discouragement is a total turnoff in all three categories. When someone discourages you from something you feel strongly about than they can go scratch.

What is your favorite curse word?

-My favorite curse word is fucking shit. This statement is what I find myself saying frequently when I am rather pissed off.

What noise do you love?

-I love the sound of the waves crashing on the beach because it offers me complete relaxation.

What noise do I hate?

-I hate the sound of laundry. By this I mean the the sound of clothes tumbling around in the dryer. It drives my nuts.

What profession other than you own would you like to attempt?

-The only other profession I have considered was to be a lawyer. This always fascinated me getting paid to fight all day seems kind of cool.

What profession would you not like to do?

-I would never want to be a teacher, I can't imagine being in a school the rest of my life.

If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

-I would want to hear God say that you have lived a good life and have made me proud that you are an accomplished person.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The place I love

The place I love is not quite so quiet but serene. It has a calming effect on my body and spirit. It smells of sand, ocean water, and peanut butter sandwiches. This place I love is called the beach. Every summer since I was a little child I would always love to go to the beach. The most stressful part of that day was always just getting there. As a child and always having to rely on someone to get you to your favorite place is not always an easy thing. Once I was able to drive the beach was where I would go if I had to think about something really important to make a decision or just to not think at all. Somehow being at the beach although it was not exactly the most quiet place there was always kids goofing around and such but the sound of the waves and feeling of the breeze on my face seemed to drown everything else out to the point of ultimate relaxation and thought.

Friday, February 12, 2010

nature haikus

This tall tree
a bug crawling up
to the top

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

natural wonders

Right outside of my door there are many different things that I never took the time to notice before. For example, there are empty pots where flowers used to fill in the spring time that are now filled of mounds of snow. The snow is actually everywhere and it is glistening off of everything. For some reason everything just looks so much more clean and pretty with snow covering it. I don't know how or why I feel like that but it just puts off that effect. When I walked outside my door this morning (which was quite a challenge itself with all of the un-shoveled snow blocking the door), I felt a deeper appreciation for the beauty of the outdoors. I took a deep breath and just stood and wondered how all of this snow made it my way.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tuesday morning

Once again it is a tuesday morning. These weeks have just been flying by lately. Every tuesday I work about twelve hours at my job. The sad part about it is I actually enjoy it because it gives me a break from everything else. I don't feel bad about telling people that I can't hang out or feel bad about not doing homework or studying because I tell myself "you have to work". I actually like my job, I have been there for seven years. I work at a dermatology office and enjoy it way too much; probably because I am a nursing major and like to see new things which happens often at the skin doctor. Also, I am friendly with pretty much everyone I work with and the patients have come to know me as well because I have been there for so long. My job is very fast-paced as well, which makes my day go fast. Today, I will not be miserable I am planning on having an awesome day and I am determined to not let anyone disturb that thought.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Lately, it has been very cold outside, way to cold to go out there and take pictures of the outdoors. This time of year there is not that much blooming out there to photograph anyway. There are no flowers at there peak really and many people just look so miserable walking around outside because it is so cold. There are very few and far between that actually like being outside in this weather. The hardcore runners and the people with two pairs of socks on, with gloves, a scarf, and the whole bit. I am one whom loves the spring time. When it looks like life is just beginning again. Many things start growing again, people seem more friendly, and clothing layers are reduced drastically. Lately, it has just been way to cold to enjoy what is going on outdoors.