Monday, March 1, 2010

The Extraordinary Ordinary

My morning routine is the "best" part of my day. Today, just like every other day I awoke out of bed and took my morning stroll to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth with my favorite green, minty toothpaste. Then I walked out of the bathroom into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door. I reached for the milk and my orange juice. Every morning I tell myself to not brush my teeth before I drink the orange juice because it makes it taste weird but I do it anyway. I than got my special K cereal out of the pantry and poured it into my bowl, I love that sound of the cereal hitting the bottom of the bowl. Then I cut my banana on top of the cereal and added the milk mmmm. After eating my masterpiece I wash all the dishes in the sink and then walk over to the bedroom and make the bed. I feel as if I am on auto-pilot all morning I do all of these things without even knowing I am doing them. From walking to the bathroom to chewing to banging my leg on the corner of the bed every morning as I am making it. I then stumble through the stack of clothes on the floor of my boyfriends and my bedroom because I don't know where to put anything and then I get dressed. I put on my pants one leg at a time and then my socks, and not just any socks my curious george socks.


  1. Ever drink milk after eating an apple? Ever pour orange juice over your cereal by mistake?
    Ahh, mornings...

    Your writing is descriptive, but if you are on autopilot, how can the morning be the best part of the day?

  2. Hello everyone my name is Lisa Viola, I am Professor Russo’s new graduate assistant. I will be commenting on your daily blogs. I look forward to chatting with you. If you have any question just blog me I will be checking it daily!

  3. That sounds basically like how my mornings go. There is no thinking involved I just do everything out of pure habit.

  4. Hello, just a reminder you should have 35 blog postings in order to be up to date on the course requirement, right now you have 18 blog postings. Also don't forget the class is meeting in the city 12 pm tomorrow March 31st. Have a great time!

  5. You are falling behind in your posting.

  6. Hey everyone!

    Just a reminder... Mike said to make sure you remember to meet at Penn Station at noon on Wednesday.

    Have a great time!

  7. Sounds like my morning. Good post, you need to catch up though.
