Thursday, April 22, 2010

o man

Dear thighs and fingernails,

You are the only part of my body that I am not happy about. (Besides my short fingernails.) You are thick, short, and veiny. I hate the way you make me a bigger size in jeans. NO matter how much I run you always stay the same, you never go down. What can I do to make you go away? You make me feel self-conscious and embarrassed to look in the mirror. Maybe someday I will not care as much, but right now thick thighs I am not happy. Why can't I just have chicken legs like my father or my best friend? I will not go as far as to say I hate you thighs but I am resentful to a point. I got these legs from genetics and it is not your fault. Maybe one day if I run to China you will slenderize and I will be happy.

Short nails why won't you grow. I have tried to stop picking and biting and still Left Thumb you refuse to grow for me. I hate my fingernails I look like I have man hands. Especially my thumbs. They are just short and chubby, definitely not cute. I always hide my thumbs from pictures and while holding my boyfriends hand. I just tuck it in so it will not be noticed. Maybe if my Left thumb nail grew like my right is I would not feel as I do. But, honestly stopping biting my nails has been one of the hardest things I have ever done, harder than quitting smoking which is something I thought I would never say. Grow babies Grow!!!!



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