Saturday, April 10, 2010

Spontaneous Prose

How many more of these things do I have to right
fucking twenty for real
that cant be right it just can't
I don't understand how someone could right twenty more pieces about this nonsense
stream of consciousness, ill show you stream of consciousness
the only thing I can think of right now is what I want to do later and this is not one of those things
have dinner yes spend time with my boyfriend yes watch tv yes walk the dog yes write another fucking blog NO
I feel like this is some bizzaro diary that is so random in every way possible
I want dinner and I feel like this stream is the like the song that never ends
I want to go outside and sit out there and not have to worry about one more stupid assignment this semester I need me time
how can this keep going i don't even know my mind is starting to blank



im losing it

its sad the only thing my stream will even allow me to right about are these blogs I guess that is all that is on my mind right now but the stream is done

thats it the stream has officially ended

good bye

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